Summer Camps Spend Billions to Make Sure Your Kids Have Fun

By Ed Zwirn

(Originally published in the New York Post on June 11, 2017)


This is the busy time of year for Bradley Solmsen.

As the executive director of Surprise Lake Camp, he needs to make sure that his facility, located on 460 acres in Cold Spring, NY, is ready to welcome its incoming class of 650 kids, who will begin arriving on June 29. Continue reading

Israel’s tech startups are giving Silicon Valley a run for its money

By Ed Zwirn

(Originally published in the New York Post on May 28, 2017)

The high-tech business area of Tel Aviv, Israel.

Wondering where to find the next tech startup propelling humanity to the next best thing? Continue reading

Companies are paying millions to get hacked — on purpose

By Ed Zwirn

(originally published on April 23, 2017 in the New York Post)

The old sports adage, “the best defense is a good offense,” is being deployed by corporate America when it comes to cybersecurity. Continue reading